It has come to our attention that the image used in our Rhubarb marketing materials is offensive and hurtful to several members of our community. This is obviously of great concern to us.
In selecting the image, we realized that it was provocative. After careful deliberation within the company, we concluded that the artist’s intent was clear, that the image successfully critiqued what it represented, and that it embodied the spirit of transgressive defiance and resistance around concepts of identity that Rhubarb and Buddies are known for.
However, we also acknowledge that in selecting images that are as confrontational as this one, it is incumbent upon us to provide the appropriate context for the image to be understood. It is evident that we have failed to do so. For this, we apologize.
To discover more about Anna Jane McIntyre, the Rhubarb artist featured on our marketing materials, and to find out about the themes of her work, we suggest that you visit her website. She also has a blog, and you can also find her on the Creative Caribbean Network, Saatchi Online and Absolute Arts.
To know that people may not feel welcomed at the festival is absolutely disheartening to us. We are deeply grateful for the community’s honesty and openness with their feedback about this image.
Brendan Healy
Artistic Director
Laura Nanni
Rhubarb Festival Director
Erika Hennebury
Shawn Daudlin
General Manager