
BUZZ: Yes it is confirmed.

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At the Real Live Girl fundraiser, Healy gave the audience members a sneak peek of the 2010-11 season. Healy announced Buddies’ first national tour of Agokwe and the Canadian English premiere of Sarah Kane’s controversial play Blasted.

Today in The Star, Richard Ouzounian picked up on this announcement:

“Originally produced in 1995 in London, the script caused tremendous outrage for its scenes of anal rape and cannibalism, with one critic denouncing it as “this disgusting feast of filth.” Nice to know that Healy isn’t planning to offer us a kinder, gentler Buddies. Let one theatre in this city be unafraid to stretch the boundaries and tear the envelope.”

Woot! We cannot wait to announce the 2010-11 season. Next season is truly inspiring and will reflect a renewed engagement with Buddies’ social and political roots. The season will assert Buddies as the queer centre for controversial and dangerous work, work that pushes theatre and society forward.


1 Responses to BUZZ: Yes it is confirmed.

  1. dunnadam says:

    I notice a lot of companies now promoting a “subscribe by April 30 to beat the HST” theme, which seems to be working (at least on me). Any plans of doing something similar?