
TOP 5: rAiz’n Ensemble

..We asked members of the rAiz’n Ensemble (The Beauty Project: the male gaze) for their top 5 places to start a revolution in Toronto.

Amanda Nicholls, Maxine Marcellin, and Navneet Rai – photo by Meghan Swaby

1.  At Inglewood Drive and Harper Avenue in Rosedale.
2. Wellesley Subway station (where there’s a proliferation of TTC constables). 
3. Dufferin Mall Walmart – take down the big box store. 
4. Beside the homeless man sleeping on the Subway grate in front of the Starbucks at Queen and Bay
5. Inside your mind.
You can find the rAiz’n Ensemble on the b current website, and find full programming info for their Rhubarb show – The Beauty Project: the male gaze – here.