
2021-22 Season

“The future is risky and possible.”

Andrew Zealley, Disco Hospital


How do we come back? And what are we coming back to? 

Over the past year and a half, a lot has changed at Buddies. And a lot continues to change. But I think that is fitting for a queer theatre – to be a space that is never quite settled. As we head into our 43rd season and cautiously reopen our doors, we embrace these notions of movement and transience to step into a future that remains unknown and unpredictable. And with this, we also embrace a sense of play, experimentation, and risk as we imagine an exciting new future for Buddies. 

Our 2021/2022 season is an offering of both digital and in-person programming that foregrounds a year of reflection, learning, and imagining new possibilities for our theatre. New ideas, processes, and practices that have emerged from our learnings converge with our artistic programming and the artists who will reinvigorate our home at 12 Alexander Street with radical ideas and a refreshed curiosity. This year centres national conversations that interrogate notions of queer community and institution, deeper commitments to programs that reimagine how Buddies cultivates new queer stories, and stronger relationships with artists as they prepare to share their work and welcome communities back into the theatre.

While the year ahead holds many more questions than answers (and still requires navigating a pandemic), the opportunity to reconnect with our communities and dream of new paths forward is a thrilling experience I can’t wait for us to share together. 

— Interim Programming Director Daniel Carter

View the full season brochure here.

Ticketing + COVID

With awareness of the ongoing and evolving pandemic, we’re selling tickets in a phased rollout, starting with 25% of tickets being on sale. We’re hopeful that we will be able to release more tickets closer to the show dates, but this phased release is in an effort to anticipate changes in circumstances and restrictions, and to ensure that those who have purchased tickets are able to attend. 

For more information on our COVID measures, including our vaccination policy, click here.

Photo by Dylan Mitro
Graphic design by Lucinda Wallace

The Rhubarb Festival

February 4 – 13, 2022

Tickets & Info

White Girls in Moccasins

By Yolanda Bonnell
March 26 - April 8, 2022

Tickets & Info

The House of Bernarda Alba

By Federico Garcia Lorca
April 6 – 24, 2022

Tickets & Info

Distant Early Warning

By Justin Miller
May 17 - 29, 2022

Tickets & Info

Season photography by Dylan Mitro, styling by Vanessa Magic, hair and makeup by Robert Weir.