
Vincent Chevalier on Performing a Blog

[color]Vincent Chevalier[/color] has created a show that he’s performing at this year’s Rhubarb festival called [color]Insert Monologue re: My Youth, Drugs & SSRI’s, HIV/AIDS, Angels in America, That Time Tilda Swinton Hugged Me[/color], where he performs a blog – which begs the question; how the fuck do you perform a blog?  This is his answer…

Disclosure is that moment you keep coming back to but you never repeat. Wait for an appropriate moment. Disclose. Wait. I come back to this moment, to you, differently each time. Like memories, our disclosures evolve over time, each iteration building upon the last, shifting with time, context, familiarity, or relationship. As a moment, a disclosure will pass, just as I pass from disclosure to disclosure, sometimes invisible or sometimes marked with the sign of my secret (a scar, a pill, a picture of me on the internet). Many people see disclosure as a means to authenticity, that when I disclose you will get to know the “real me” but it does not reveal anything more than my relationship with you. Disclosure is of the self, but not in the self: the moment is not about you or I, but about us.

At the end of February I will take to the stage at Buddies to perform some disclosures about My Youth, Drugs & SSRIs, HIV/AIDS, Angels In America, and That Time Tilda Swinton Hugged Me. These are the disclosures that make up my life, these are the moments of pleasure, of pain, of being public that string together my story.

Insert Monologue re: My Youth, Drugs & SSRI’s, HIV/AIDS, Angels in America, That Time Tilda Swinton Hugged Me  is on stage February 20th.  Click here for more information.
And for more on Vincent, visit his website here.
or check him out on tumblr
or follow Vincent on twitter

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